First Thursday, September 2022

Written on 09/09/2022
Marc Fuller

Policing and police staffing in Portland, Oregon.

Article: The Injustice Of Under-Policing In America

First Federal Appeals Court Plain View Project Case, Hernandez v. City of Phoenix, 2022 WL 3132422 (9th Cir. 2022).

Phoenix And Plain View Project In State Court, McMichael-Gombar v. Phoenix Civil Service Board, 73 Arizona Cases Digest 4 (Az. App. 2022).

Iowa’s New Brady Statute Grants Protections To Officers,

Officer Had No Expectation Of Privacy In Employer Video Equipment, Kilmer v. State of Texas, 2022 WL 3053873 (Tex. App. 2022).

Disagreement With Tactics Not Basis For Claim Against Union, In re Bruder, 55 PERB ¶ 4542 (NY PERB Director 2022).

Union Does Not Breach DFR By Refusing To Bargain Seniority Issue, Barth v. City of Cranston, 2022 WL 3225382 (1st Cir. 2022).

Premium podcast will be returning soon!

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