LRIS on 03/07/2025

Anti-Unionization Efforts Violated Colorado Labor Law

The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge No. 47, started gathering signatures for a representation election, and on February 7, 2024, the FOP notified the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office that 75% of their employees had voted “yes” for collective bargaining. The FOP also stated that it had met with Sheri

LRIS on 03/07/2025

Denial Of Benefits For Troopers On Baby Bonding Leave Did Not Violate State Law

Aimee Bodge and several other state troopers filed a lawsuit alleging that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had a policy of denying the accrual of benefits, specifically seniority, length-of-service credit, vacation time, and sick time, while an employee was on Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (PF

LRIS on 03/07/2025

Police Departments, Officers Have No Duty To Curb Off-Duty Alcohol Consumption

In July 2019, Brent Bartlett, a Ju­neau, Alaska Police Department (JPD) officer, rear-ended Arlene Tripp’s car while Bartlett was off duty. Bartlett was found to be severely intoxicated, with a blood alcohol content of 0.239, nearly three times the legal limit, and subsequently pled guilty to drivin

LRIS on 03/07/2025

Denial Of Nevada POST Certification For Former Oregon Police Officer Upheld

Michael Burke was employed by the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office, in Oregon, from 1998 to 2007. His employ­ment was terminated after an unreason­able use-of-force incident that occurred in May 2007. Burke placed a cooperative vehicle passenger under arrest using an armbar, which is a submission t

LRIS on 03/07/2025

Firefighter Grievance Waiver Not Sufficient

Between April and December 2020, Arthur Canaii, a firefighter for the Virgin Islands Fire Service (VIFS), requested legal representation from his Union multiple times, both orally and in writing, in response to what he alleged was disability discrimina­tion, sexual harassment, unfair labor practices

LRIS on 03/07/2025

Past Practice Trumps Zipper Clause In Michigan Retiree Healthcare Dispute

Though the dispute in the following case did not specifically involve a public safety union, the implications for public sector bargaining of any kind are plainly apparent.AFSCME Council 25 and Wayne County, Michigan were party to a CBA which provided, in relevant part:“Unless otherwise specified, r

LRIS on 02/07/2025

Timing Of Police Transfer Alone Not Sufficient To Establish Anti-Union Animus

Nick Martens was a police officer in the city of Marion, Iowa. Martens also served as the president of the Marion Policeman’s Protective Association. In that capacity, Martens sent an email to management reporting a complaint on behalf of a Union member which alleged­ly contained factual inaccuracie

LRIS on 02/07/2025

Individual Officer Lacks Standing To Appeal Discipline Arbitration Award

Leroy Williams, a special police officer with the District of Columbia’s Department of General Services (DGS), was terminated in August 2019 for conduct relating to two unauthorized traffic stops the previous March. Upon receiving a final notice of separation, Williams was presented with three optio

LRIS on 02/07/2025

NJ Distressed City Law Does Not Preempt Arbitration Award Requiring Acting Pay

The Paterson Deputy Fire Chiefs Association represents Deputy Fire Chiefs in the City of Paterson, New Jersey. For about ten years, the City has been designated as a “city in dis­tress” by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA). As a result, the City entered into a Mem­orandum of Under

LRIS on 02/07/2025

Washington County Illegally Required Mandatory OT As A Condition Of Employment

In 2014, King County began to signal to the King County Correc­tions Guild that it wished to include mandatory overtime in the “essential functions form” that it had been pro­viding to doctors for the purposes of assessing disability accommodations. Historically, mandatory overtime, along with volun

LRIS on 02/07/2025

Court Instructs That Lawyers Matter In Dismissing Sergeant’s Speech Lawsuit

Thad Brockett worked in the Effing­ham County, Illinois Sheriff’s Depart­ment from July 1996 until December 2014. From 2012-2014, Brockett was promoted by Sheriff John Monnet to serve as Operations Sergeant, supervising and overseeing the jail, telecommunica­tions, and court security personnel. Righ

LRIS on 01/10/2025

Police Chief’s Private Texts To Coworker Not Protected By First Amendment

Kate Adams was hired by the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department in 1994, and by March 2020, she had worked her way up to Chief of Police for the City of Rancho Cordova in California. Her time in the position, however, was short-lived, as Adams was forced to resign the following year after allegat

LRIS on 01/10/2025

No Speech Protections For False Statements

In 2015, the Internal Affairs Unit of the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety in California opened an investigation into David Meinhardt, an officer who also happened to be the president of the Sunnyvale Public Safety Officers’ Association. IA was following up on a complaint that Meinhardt was usi

LRIS on 01/10/2025

Back Pay, Not Reinstatement, For LAPD Officer Dealt A Due Process Violation

Like many municipalities across the country, the City of Los Angeles declared an emergency in March 2020 in response to COVID-19. The following August, the City passed an ordinance that required all City employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19, request an exemption, or be subject to “appropriate

LRIS on 01/10/2025

City Council Had Authority To Fire Police Officer After High-Speed Chase

Gregory Moliere served as a police officer in the Buffalo Police Department in Texas. Despite department policy to the contrary, Moliere engaged in a high-speed chase while a civilian was riding along in his patrol vehicle. The chase resulted in an accident that damaged the patrol vehicle. Moliere r

LRIS on 01/10/2025

Privacy Concerns Did Not Outweigh Union’s Need For Sanitized Misconduct Forms

American Federation of Government Employees Local 3584, representing a unit of correctional workers, made an information request to the Department of Justice’s Office of Internal Affairs on behalf of its members at FCI Dublin, a low-security federal prison in California. The Union believed that the