Interview With Attorney and Author Ron DeLord

Written on 04/02/2020
Marc Fuller

Will Aitchison interviews Ron DeLord, the founder of Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (CLEAT). In addition to being an attorney and experienced contract negotiator, Ron is a published author and respected historian of the law enforcement labor movement.

0:00 Introduction.
04:10 Ron’s background.
07:15 Founding of CLEAT.
11:28 The unique approach to law enforcement collective bargaining in Texas.
19:33 Books authored by Ron.
23:55 The police union movement in Texas.
27:00 The influence of Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals.
30:10 Ballot measures dealing with police oversight.
43:45 The trend towards progressive prosecutors.
50:10 How do recent trends affect the future of policing?
56:28 Using Chicago as a metaphor, what sort of advice would Ron give to a big-city police union facing a myriad of issues?
1:05:36 How binding arbitration and meet-and-confer differ in getting the best deal for members.
1:11:47 Ron’s take on boycotts lead by police unions, including those of Nike, Dunkin’ Donuts and Beyoncé, and national police unions’ involvement in politics.

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